Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2019) Kaaimans River Estuarine Management Plan Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Keywords: 0
Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2019) Kaaimans River Estuarine Management Plan Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Keywords: 0
Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2019) Mouth Management for the Kaaiman River Estuary Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Keywords: 0
Tuswa N., Bugan R. D. H., Mapeto T., Jovanovic N., Gush M., Kapangaziwiri E., Dzikiti S., Kanyerere T. & Xu Y. (2019) The impacts of commercial plantation forests on groundwater recharge: A case study from George (Western Cape, South Africa) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 112: 187–199
Keywords: Groundwater recharge, Pinus radiata, Pinus elliotii, Vegetation water use
Rivers-Moore N. A., Dallas H. F., de Moor F. C. & Barendse J. (2018) Relationships of water temperature and aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure with non-native riparian plant densities in the southern Cape, South Africa African Journal of Aquatic Science 43: 215–227
Keywords: Flow variability, Fynbos, Geology, Water quality, Water tempreture
River Health Programme (2007) Rivers of the Gouritz Water Management Area 2007 River Health Programme
Keywords: 0
Mapeto T., Gush M. & Louw J. (2018) Single-tree water use and water-use efficiencies of selected indigenous and introduced species in the Southern Cape region of South Africa Southern Forests 80: 85–93
Keywords: Afrotemperate forest, heat pulse velocity technique, plantation, sap flow, transpiration
Larsen E., Marais C. & Gorgens A. (2001) Water resources planning with recognition of alien vegetation eradication Tenth South African National Hydrological Symposium
Keywords: 0
Lemley D., Taljaard S., Adams J. & Strydom N. (2014) Nutrient characterisation of river inflow into the estuaries of the Gouritz Water Management Area, South Africa WaterSA 40: 687
Keywords: Water quality, eutrophication, inorganic nutrients, waste water discharge
Keightley J., von der Heyden S. & Jackson S. (2015) Introduced Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas in South Africa: demographic change, genetic diversity and body condition African Journal of Marine Science 37: 89–98
Keywords: Cape rock oyster, habitat suitability, oyster invasivity, shell density
Koetzee I. (2016) Applying a resilience approach to flood management in rapidly changing landscapes Stellenbosch University
Keywords: Flood regulation, ecosystem services, flood risk management, ecosystem management