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Keywords: 0

Whitfield A. K. (2020) Fish food webs in a South African estuary: a spatial and temporal assessment Environmental Biology 103: 1495–1512

Keywords: Fishes, Invertebrates, Macrophytes, Microalgae, Phytoplankton, Stable isotopes, Swartvlei, Trophic structure

Wooldridge T. H. (2007) Biotic Response To Altered Freshwater Inflow Patterns To The Kromme River Estuary, South Africa WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 103: 687–696


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Keywords: GRNP

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Keywords: 0

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Keywords: 0

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Keywords: Dinoflagellate, Phytoplankton uptake, Urea

Switzer T. (2003) The role of water column and benthic communities in the spatial and temporal production and uptake of nutrients in controlling the trophic status of the Knysna River Estuary, South Africa University of Cape Town

Keywords: 0

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Keywords: mircotidal estuaries, macronutrient cycling, wave-dominated, restricted inlet, qualitative model, southern hemisphere