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Annual General Meeting 2022 Invitation


Garden Route Biosphere 2022 AGM

30 November 2022

12:00 to 13:30


You are cordially invited to the Garden Route Biosphere Reserves Non-Profit Company’s 2022 Annual General Meeting. The meeting will take place virtually using the Microsoft Teams platform from 12h00 on the 30th of November 2022. The programme will include a statement made by the Garden Route Biosphere chair and chief executive providing feedback on their various activities over the past year and a presentation of the financial statement. The programme will further include the presentation of the proposed updates to the Garden Route Biosphere constitution.

Please RSVP before 28 November 2022 at admin@gardenroutebiosphere.org.za to receive a link to join the meeting.

For any further information please feel free to email Ms Aneri Roos at admin@gardenroutebiosphere.org.za.


We look forward to your participation at the event.


Garden Route Biosphere Reserve

Facilitation team