Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2018) Business Case for Keurbooms and Karatara River Catchments Western Cape Government

Keywords: 0

Teske P. R., Cherry M. I. & Matthee C. A. (2003) Population genetics of the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis Molecular Ecology 12: 1703–1715

Keywords: control region, gene flow, estuaries, genetic structure, Hippocampus capensis, mtDNA

Visser C. J. & Bisset N. E. (2009) Economic development verses conservation – a case study in a South African Coastal Area WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 120: 985–994

Keywords: arid country, historical imbalances, redress, equitable access, sustainability, resource protection, beneficial use, public interest.

Taljaard S., van Niekerk L. & Joubert W. (2009) Extension of a qualitative model on nutrient cycling and transformation to include microtidal estuaries on wave-dominated coasts: Southern hemisphere perspective Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf science 85: 407–421

Keywords: mircotidal estuaries, macronutrient cycling, wave-dominated, restricted inlet, qualitative model, southern hemisphere

Schutte-Vlok A., Huisamen J., Nieuwoudt H. & Cleaver-Christie G. (2012) Keurbooms River Nature Reserve Complex Management Plan 2013 – 2018 CapeNature

Keywords: 0

Schumann E. H. (2021) Floods, sedimentation and tidal exchanges in the Keurbooms Estuary, South Africa Geo-Marine Letters 41: 1–10

Keywords: Geology, Marine & Freshwater Sciences, Oceanography

Schumann E. H. (2015) Keurbooms estuary floods and sedimentation South African Journal of Science 111: 1–9

Keywords: barrier dune, estuary morphology, mouth migration, ocean waves, river floods

River Health Programme (2007) Rivers of the Gouritz Water Management Area 2007 River Health Programme

Keywords: 0

Russell I. A. (2002) Freshwater fishes of Tsitsikamma National Park Koedoe 45: 13–17

Keywords: Freshwater fish; Diversity; Alien; Conservation; Tsitsikamma; Keurbooms

Mfikili A. N. (2017) Influence of sedimentological and hydrological processes on the distribution of the Spartina maritima slat marsh in the Keurbooms Estuary, Western Cape Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Keywords: Keurbooms Estuary; sediment dynamics; flooding; salt marshes; Spartina maritima.