van Wilgen B. W., Fill J. M., Baard J., Cheney C., Forsyth A. T. & Kraaij T. (2016) Historical costs and projected future scenarios for the management of invasive alien plants in protected areas in the Cape Floristic Region Biological Conservation 200: 168–177

Keywords: Acacia, Fynbos, Hakea, Pinus, South Africa, Working for Water

Visser C. J. & Bisset N. E. (2009) Economic development verses conservation – a case study in a South African Coastal Area WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 120: 985–994

Keywords: arid country, historical imbalances, redress, equitable access, sustainability, resource protection, beneficial use, public interest.

Saunders J. W. (2008) A method for imputing economic value to ecological goods and services provided by the Knysna River Rhodes University

Keywords: Ecology, Knysna fishery mangement, Knysna water supply, Knysna lagoon, economic conditions

Mander M., Jewitt G., Dini J., Glenday J., Blignaut J., Hughes C., Marais C., Maze K., van der Waal B. & Mills A. (2017) Modelling potential hydrological returns from investing in ecological infrastructure: Case studies from the Baviaanskloof-Tsitsikamma and uMgeni Catchments, South Africa Ecosystem Services 27: 261–271

Keywords: Catchments, Ecological infrastructure, Hydrological modelling, Investment, Rehabilitation, Water security.

Mander N. & Mander M. (2021) Economic policy instruments and payment for ecosystem services mechanisms as enablers of local level ecological infrastructure investment: A Guid FutureWorks

Keywords: 0

Larsen E., Marais C. & Gorgens A. (2001) Water resources planning with recognition of alien vegetation eradication Tenth South African National Hydrological Symposium

Keywords: 0

Hosking S. G. & Du Preez M. (1999) A cost-benefit analysis of removing alien trees in the Tsitsikamma mountain catchment South African Journal of Science 95: 442–448


Hosking S. G. & Du Preez M. (2004) A cost-benefit analysis of the Working for Water Programme on selected sites in South Africa WaterSA 30: 143–152

Keywords: Alien vegetation, Non water benefits, Marginal costs, Mountain catchment management, Social discount rate, Water yield, Livestock

Hosking S. G. & Du Preez M. (2004) A recreational valuation of the freshwater inflows into the Keurbooms Estuary by means of a contingent valuation study South African Journal of Economic and Management sciences 7: 280


Hosking S. G. & Du Preez M. (2002) Valuing water gains in the Eastern Cape’s Working for Water Programme WaterSA 28: 23–28

Keywords: Willingness to pay