Lemley D., Taljaard S., Adams J. & Strydom N. (2014) Nutrient characterisation of river inflow into the estuaries of the Gouritz Water Management Area, South Africa WaterSA 40: 687

Keywords: Water quality, eutrophication, inorganic nutrients, waste water discharge

DWA (2014) Reserve determination studies for the selected surface water, groundwater, estuaries and wetlands in the Gouritz Water management areas: Deliniation report, Volume 1 Department of Water Affairs (DWA)

Keywords: 0

de Moor F. C. & Bellingan T. A. (2011) A survey of macroinvertebrate diversity of elven rivers in and around Tsitsikamma National Park Eastern Cape, South Africa Rhodes University

Keywords: Microinvertebrate diversity, Tsitsikamma NP

de Moor F. C. & Bellingan T. A. (2019) Evaluation of the conservation requirements of Trichoptera from the Tsitsikamma mountain streams in South Africa Zoosymposia 14: 151–164

Keywords: Caddisflies, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, southern Cape, Cape Floral Kingdom

Bellingan T. A. (2010) The diversity of aquatic insects in the Tsitsikamma region, with implications for aquatic ecosystem conservation Rhodes University

Keywords: Microinvertebrate diversity, Tsitsikamma, water quality