Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2021) Goukamma Estuarine Management Plan (Draft) Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning

Keywords: 0

Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2021) Gwaing River Estuary Draft Estuarine Management Plan Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning

Keywords: 0

Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2017) Knysna River Estuarine Management plan Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning

Keywords: 0

Whitfield A. K. (2020) Fish food webs in a South African estuary: a spatial and temporal assessment Environmental Biology 103: 1495–1512

Keywords: Fishes, Invertebrates, Macrophytes, Microalgae, Phytoplankton, Stable isotopes, Swartvlei, Trophic structure

Whitfield A. K. (1992) A characterization of South African estuaries. South African Journal of Aquatic Science 18: 89–103

Keywords: 0

Whitfield A. K., Grant G. N., Bennett R. H. & Cowley P. D. (2017) Causes and consequences of human induced impacts on a ubiquitous estuary-dependant marine fish species Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Keywords: Estuarine degradation, Global change, Over-exploitation, Population decline, Rhabdosargus holubi, Sparidae

Wooldridge T. H. (2007) Biotic Response To Altered Freshwater Inflow Patterns To The Kromme River Estuary, South Africa WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 103: 687–696


Wooldridge T. H. & Callahan R. (2000) The effects of a single freshwater release into the Kromme Estuary. 3: Estuarine zooplankton response Water SA 26: 311


Wasserman J., Claassens L. & Adams J. B. (2020) Mapping subtidal estuarine habitats with a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) African Journal of Marine Science 42: 123–128

Keywords: Asparagopsis taxiformis, habitat maps, Knysna Estuary, southern Africa, submerged aquatic vegetation, underwater drone, Zostera capensis

Western Cape Government, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (2019) Kaaimans River Estuarine Management Plan Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

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