van Wilgen B. W., Fill J. M., Baard J., Cheney C., Forsyth A. T. & Kraaij T. (2016) Historical costs and projected future scenarios for the management of invasive alien plants in protected areas in the Cape Floristic Region Biological Conservation 200: 168–177

Keywords: Acacia, Fynbos, Hakea, Pinus, South Africa, Working for Water

Forsyth G. G., Le Maitre D. C., O’Farrell P. J. & van Wilgen B. W. (2012) The prioritisation of invasive alien plant control projects using a multi-criteria decision model informed by stakeholder input and spatial data Journal of Environmental Management 103: 51–57

Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, ecosystem services, fynbos, karoo, South Africa, Working for water