Russell I. A., Randall R. M. & Hanekom N. (2014) Spatial and temporal patterns of waterbird assemblages in the Wilderness lakes complex, South Africa Waterbirds 37: 1–18

Keywords: Depth variability, salinity, submerged macrophytes, swartvlei estuary, Touw estuary, turbidity, waterbird communities

Lockyear J. F., Hecht T., Kaiser H. & Teske P. R. (2010) The distribution and abundance of the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis (Pisces: Syngnathidae) in South African estuaries African Journal of Aquatic Science 31: 275–283

Keywords: Freshwater floods, keurbooms estuary, knysna estuary, swartvlei estuary, patchy distribution, population size fluctuation, submerged vegetation