Lockyear J. F., Hecht T., Kaiser H. & Teske P. R. (2010) The distribution and abundance of the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis (Pisces: Syngnathidae) in South African estuaries African Journal of Aquatic Science 31: 275–283

Keywords: Freshwater floods, keurbooms estuary, knysna estuary, swartvlei estuary, patchy distribution, population size fluctuation, submerged vegetation

de Villiers N. M., Harasti D., Hodgson A. N. & Claassens L. (2021) A comparison of the fauna in eelgrass and erosion control structures in a warm temperate Southern African estuary Regional Studies in Marine Science 44: 101757

Keywords: Ecological engineering, artificial structures, Keurbooms estuary, Macroinvertebrates, fish Mini BRUVs

Mfikili A. N., Bornman T. G. & du Preez D. R. (2022) Sediment deposition and its implications for vertical accretion in an intertidal salt marsh – A case study of a microtidal estuary along the southeast coast of South Africa Regional Studies in Marine Science 51: 102203

Keywords: Fine-grained sediments, Keurbooms Estuary, Sea-level rise, Sediment mineralogy, Sediment supply, Vertical accretion rates