Le Maitre D. C., Versfeld D. & Chapman R. (2000) Impact of invading alien plants on surface water resources in South Africa: a preliminary assessment WaterSA 26: 397
Keywords: alien invasive plants, water quantitiy
Le Maitre D. C., Versfeld D. & Chapman R. (2000) Impact of invading alien plants on surface water resources in South Africa: a preliminary assessment WaterSA 26: 397
Keywords: alien invasive plants, water quantitiy
Kraaij T., Baard J. A., Rikhotso D. R., Cole N. S. & Van Wilgen B. W. (2017) Assessing the effectiveness of invasive alien plant management in a large fynbos protected area Outeniqua & Tsitsikammaalia 47
Keywords: alien invasive plants, WfW, management effectivness
Adams J. B., Taljaard S., van Niekerk L. & Lemley D. A. (2020) Nutrient enrichment as a threat to the ecological resilience and health of South Africa microtidal estuaries African Journal of Aquatic Science 45: 23–40
Keywords: alien invasive plants, eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, macroalgae, mouth closure, wastewater discharges