Russell I. A. & Kraaij T. (2008) Effects of cutting Phragmites australis along an inundation gradient, with implications for managing reed encroachment in a South African estuarine lake system Wetlands and Ecological Management 16: 383–393

Keywords: Aquatic plant management, Biodiversity conservation, Cutting, Encroachment, Flooding, Local eradication, Non-tidal, Saline

Nel J. L., Le Maitre D. C., Nel D. C., Reyers B., Archibald S., Van Wilgen B. W., Forsyth G. G., Theron A. K., O’Farrell P. J., Mwenge Kahinda J. M., Engelbrecht F. A., Kapangaziwiri E., Van Niekerk L. & Barwell L. (2014) Natural hazards in a changing world: a case for ecosystem based management PLoS One 9: e95942

Keywords: Wildfires, Climate change, Flooding, Rain, Drought, Anthropogenic climate change, Invasive species, Climate modeling