Claassens L. & Hodgson A. N. (2018) Monthly population density and structure patterns of an endangered seahorse Hippocampus capensis: a comparison between natural and artificial habitats Journal of Fish Biology 92: 2000–2015

Keywords: conservation, Hippocampus capensis, Knysna, population ecology, seagrass, seahorses

Claassens L., Barnes R. S. K., Wasserman J., Lamberth S. J., Miranda N. A. F., van Niekerk L. & Adams J. B. (2020) Knysna estuary health: ecological status, threats, and options for the future African Journal of Aquatic Science 45: 65–82

Keywords: Alein species, conservation, ecological health, macrosalgal blooms, management, monitoring, current ecological state

Coetsee C & Wigley B (2013) Virgilia divaricata may facilitate forest expansion in the afrotemperate forests of the southern cape, South Africa Koedoe 55: 8

Keywords: afrotemperate forest, fire, nitrogen, soils, Virgilia divaricata, african, conservation, research, protected areas, science, management, policy, biology, ecology

Barnes R. S. K. (2021) Patterns of seagrass macrobenthic biodiversity in the warm-temperate Knysna estuarine bay, Western Cape: a review Aquatic Ecology 55: 327–345

Keywords: Biodiversity, Conservation, Intertidal, Knysna, Macrobenthos, Seagrass

Barnes R. S. K. (2013) Distribution patterns of macrobenthic biodiversity in the intertidal seagrass beds of an estuarine system , and their conservation significance Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 357–372

Keywords: Benthic macrofauna, Conservation, Estuary, Knysna, Seagrass, Species diversity, Species richness