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Draft Program: Drivers of Rapid Urbanisation & Land Use Change

As part of the 2020 Strategy Planning for the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve, several workshops are being planned across the region.

The first workshop is this Friday 14th February titled:

 “Identifying and addressing drivers of rapid urbanisation, land use and land use change in the GRBR” 

Venue: Nelson Mandela University, George Campus, Conference Room 

The Draft Program is below (and available as pdf here):



Persons involved 

09h00-09h30  Arrival and registration; refreshments  Project Team 
09h30-09h45  Welcome and introduction  Bianca Currie 

Chair, Garden Route Biosphere Reserve 

09h45-10h00  Purpose of the workshop & agreement on the agenda 


Robert Fincham 

Project coordinator 

10h00-11h30  Identifying the drivers: Debate 1: All Participants  Facilitators: Project Team 
11h30-12h00  Refreshments & snacks 
12h00-13h00  Addressing the drivers: Debate 2: All participants  Facilitators: Project Team 
13h00-13h30  Outcomes and way forward 

Finger lunch 

Robert Fincham 