Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma SWSA Literature Repository
The literature repository for the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs) provides interested stakeholders with access to available information regarding 1) the state, condition, and function of ecological infrastructure; and 2) information on governance (i.e. conservation planning and decision-making) for the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma SWSAs. The information sources provided largely fall within the period 2000 to 2022. The repository has been organised with the aid of four searchable filters. 1) Literature identifiers – any term relating to an author, year, title or publisher; 2) SWSA Catchment; 3) Quaternary catchment – the sub-catchments found in the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma SWSAs and 4) Themes – eleven predetermined themes were used to organise the information. The sources can be categorised under more than one of these themes. E.g. Information can relate to the theme of Fire, and the theme of Invasive alien plants.
de Lange F. (2019). Breeding biology and ecological niche of the Knysna leaf-folding frog (Afrixalus knysnae) - North-West University.
de Lange F. (2021). Specialist assessment report: Afrixalus knysnae as species of conservation concern - Ekologik: Environmental Science and Consulting.
de Moor F. C. & Bellingan T. A. (2011). A survey of macroinvertebrate diversity of elven rivers in and around Tsitsikamma National Park Eastern Cape, South Africa - Rhodes University.
de Moor F. C. & Bellingan T. A. (2019). Evaluation of the conservation requirements of Trichoptera from the Tsitsikamma mountain streams in South Africa - Zoosymposia. 14: 151–164
de Villiers N. M. (2020). Ecological engineering: an assessment of the ecological impact of Reno mattress structures used in erosion control in the Keurbooms estuary, South Africa - Rhodes University.
de Villiers N. M., Barker C., Claassens L. & Hodgson A. N. (2019). Conservation value of Codium tenue habitat for the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis - Journal of Fish Biology. 95: 1457–1464
de Villiers N. M., Harasti D., Hodgson A. N. & Claassens L. (2021). A comparison of the fauna in eelgrass and erosion control structures in a warm temperate Southern African estuary - Regional Studies in Marine Science. 44: 101757
de Villiers N. M., Hodgson A. N., Harasti D. & Claassens L. (2022). The impact of Reno mattress installation on an adjacent seagrass meadow and its macrofauna in a South African estuary - Regional Studies in Marine Science. 52: 102239
DEADP (2011). Western Cape IWRM Action Plan: Status Quo Report - Department of Environmental Affairs Development and Planning (DEADP).
Donald I. (2013). A Preliminary assessment of the hydrodynamics of the Touw River and Wilderness Lakes System with emphasis on the management of the estuary mouth - Stellenbosch University.
The information represented in this repository does not necessarily reflect those of the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve. To provide a complete literature repository, the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve has provided links to access the materials. The Garden Route Biosphere Reserve has, however, made every effort to respect copyrights. Although the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve endeavours to ensure that the information represented is accurate, we cannot guarantee that all the information is always up-to-date, correct or complete. If you have any information you believe should be added to this repository, please email it to admin@gardenroutebiosphere.org.za. The repository will be updated on a biannual basis.