Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma SWSA Literature Repository

The literature repository for the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs) provides interested stakeholders with access to available information regarding 1) the state, condition, and function of ecological infrastructure; and 2) information on governance (i.e. conservation planning and decision-making) for the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma SWSAs. The information sources provided largely fall within the period 2000 to 2022. The repository has been organised with the aid of four searchable filters. 1) Literature identifiers – any term relating to an author, year, title or publisher; 2) SWSA Catchment; 3) Quaternary catchment – the sub-catchments found in the Outeniqua and Tsitsikamma SWSAs and 4) Themes – eleven predetermined themes were used to organise the information. The sources can be categorised under more than one of these themes. E.g. Information can relate to the theme of Fire, and the theme of Invasive alien plants.

  • Strydom N. A. & Whitfield A. K. (2000). The effects of a single freshwater release into the Kromme Estuary. 4: Larval fish response - Water SA. 26:
  • Swart R. C. (2016). The effect of commercial forestry plantations and roads on southern Afrotemperate forest arthropod diversity  - Stellenbosch University.
  • Switzer T. (2008). Urea loading from a spring storm - Knysna estuary, South Africa - Harmful Algae. 8: 66–69
  • Switzer T. (2003). The role of water column and benthic communities in the spatial and temporal production and uptake of nutrients in controlling the trophic status of the Knysna River Estuary, South Africa - University of Cape Town.
  • Taljaard S., van Niekerk L. & Joubert W. (2009). Extension of a qualitative model on nutrient cycling and transformation to include microtidal estuaries on wave-dominated coasts: Southern hemisphere perspective - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf science. 85: 407–421
  • Taljaard S., Van Niekerk L. & Lemley D. A. (2018). A glimpse into the littoral nutrient dynamics of a lake system connected to the sea - WaterSA. 4: 65–74
  • Tanner J., Smith C., Ellery W. & Schlegel P. (2019). Palmiet wetland sustainability: A hydrological and geomorphological perspective on system functioning - WRC.
  • Tchotet Tchoumi J. M., Coetzee M. P. A., Vivas M., Rajchenberg M. & Roux J. (2017). Wood-rotting basidiomycetes associated with declining native trees in timber-harvesting compartments of the Garden Route National Park (GRNP) of South Africa - Austral Ecology. 42: 947–963
  • Tchotet Tchoumi J. M., Vivas M., Coetzee M. P. A., Rajchenberg M. & Roux J. (2017). Wood-rotting Basidiomycetes associated with declining native trees in the Garden Route National Park (GRNP) of South Africa - South African Journal of Botany. 109: 370–371
  • Tempelhoff J., Van Niekerk D., Gouws I., Outeniqua & Tsitsikammaa K. & Wurige R. (2009). The December 2004 - January 2005 floods in Garden Route region of the Southern Cape , South Africa.  - Journal of Disaster Risk Studies. 2:


The information represented in this repository does not necessarily reflect those of the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve. To provide a complete literature repository, the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve has provided links to access the materials. The Garden Route Biosphere Reserve has, however, made every effort to respect copyrights. Although the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve endeavours to ensure that the information represented is accurate, we cannot guarantee that all the information is always up-to-date, correct or complete. If you have any information you believe should be added to this repository, please email it to admin@gardenroutebiosphere.org.za. The repository will be updated on a biannual basis.